Session 2: Multi-task Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, Applications
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Day 2 (Nov.18), talks: 09:00-11:00 (5th floor Hall 2), poster session: 11:00-13:30
- Each oral presentation consists of a 12-minute talk and a 2-minute discussion.
- Each spotlight presentation consists of a 2.5-minute talk.
- Each best paper presentation consists of a 15-minute talk and a 5-minute discussion.
- Each presentation (all of the above) are to be presented in the poster session on the same day. The size of a poster should be at largest A0 vertical (1189mm height × 841mm width) (A0 horizontal posters cannot be put up).
09:00 Oral Poster Mon22 Communication-Efficient Distributed Multi-Task Learning with Matrix Sparsity Regularization
- Qiang Zhou (NTU, Singapore); Yu Chen (Nanyang Technological University); Sinno Pan (NTU, Singapore) [Journal Track, Paper ID: 162]
09:15 Oral Poster Mon23 Few-Shot Learning with Adaptively Initialized Task Optimizer
- Han-Jia Ye (Nanjing University); Xiang-Rong Sheng (National Key Laboratory of Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University); De-Chuan Zhan (Nanjing University) [Journal Track, Paper ID: 187]
09:30 Spotlight Poster Mon24 Learning to Sample Hard Instances for Graph Algorithms
- Ryoma Sato (Kyoto University); Makoto Yamada (RIKEN AIP / Kyoto University); Hisashi Kashima (Kyoto University/RIKEN Center for AIP) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 244] <Download paper>
09:33 Spotlight Poster Mon25 A Model of Text-Enhanced Knowledge Graph Representation Learning with Mutual Attention
- Yashen Wang (China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology of CETC) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 120] <Download paper>
09:36 Spotlight Poster Mon26 A New Multi-choice Reading Comprehension Dataset for Curriculum Learning
- Yichan Liang (Sun Yat-sen University, China); Jianheng Li (Sun Yat-sen University, China); Jian Yin (Sun Yat-Sen University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 295] <Download paper>
09:39 Spotlight Poster Mon27 An Attentive Memory Network Integrated with Aspect Dependency for Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification
- Qingxuan Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Chongyang Shi (Beijing Institute of Technology) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 223] <Download paper>
09:42 Spotlight Poster Mon28 Improving Statute Prediction via Mining Correlations between Statutes
- Yi Feng (Nanjing University); Chuanyi Li (Nanjing University); Jidong Ge (Nanjing University); Bin Luo (Nanjing University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 284] <Download paper>
09:45 Spotlight Poster Mon29 Cell-aware Stacked LSTMs for Modeling Sentences
- Jihun Choi (Seoul National University); Taeuk Kim (Seoul National University); Sang-goo Lee (Seoul National University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 415] <Download paper>
09:48 Spotlight Poster Mon30 Text Length Adaptation in Sentiment Classification
- Reinald Kim Amplayo (University of Edinburgh); Seonjae Lim (Yonsei University); Seungwon Hwang (Yonsei University, Korea) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 275] <Download paper>
09:51 Spotlight Poster Mon31 Forward and Backward Knowledge Transfer for Sentiment Classification
- Hao Wang (Southwest Jiaotong University); Bing Liu (UIC); Shuai Wang (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA); Nianzu Ma (UIC); Yan Yang (Southwest Jiaotong University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 231] <Download paper>
09:54 Spotlight Poster Mon32 Effective Sentence Scoring Method Using BERT for Speech Recognition
- Joongbo Shin (Seoul National University); Yoonhyung Lee (Seoul National University); Kyomin Jung (Seoul National University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 392] <Download paper>
09:57 Oral Poster Mon33 Differentially Private Community Detection in Attributed Social Networks
- Tianxi Ji (Case Western Reserve University); Changqing Luo (Virginia Commonwealth University); Yifan Guo (Case Western Reserve University); Jinlong Ji (Case Western Reserve University); Weixian Liao (Towson University); Pan Li (Case Western Reserve University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 30] <Download paper>
10:12 Oral Poster Mon34 Fusing Recalibrated Features and Depthwise Separable Convolution for the Mangrove Bird Sound Classification
- Chongqin Lei (CHONGQING UNIVERSITY); Gong Weiguo (Chongqing University); Zixu Wang (CHONGQING UNIVERSITY) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 347] <Download paper>
10:27 Spotlight Poster Mon35 SPCDet: Enhancing Object Detection with Combined Feature Fusing
- haixin wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); lintao wu (Intel Labs China); qiongzhi wu (Beijing Institute of Technology) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 122] <Download paper>
10:30 Spotlight Poster Mon36 An Articulated Structure-Aware Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
- Zhenhua Tang (College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University); Xiaoyan Zhang (College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University); Junhui Hou (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 59] <Download paper>
10:33 Spotlight Poster Mon37 Multi-Scale Visual Semantics Aggregation with Self-Attention for End-to-End Image-Text Matching
- Zhuobin Zheng ( Tsinghua University); Youcheng Ben (Tsinghua University); Chun Yuan (Tsinghua University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 348] <Download paper>
10:36 Spotlight Poster Mon38 Cascaded and Dual: Discrimination Oriented Network for Brain Tumor Classification
- Wenxuan Zhang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Dong Zhang (Nanjing University of Science and Technology); Xinguang Xiang (NJUST) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 206] <Download paper>
10:39 Spotlight Poster Mon39 Software Component Prediction for Bug Reports
- Wei Zhang (Adobe); Chris Challis (adobe) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 317] <Download paper>
10:42 Spotlight Poster Mon40 SDC-causing Error Detection Based on Lightweight Vulnerability Prediction
- Cheng Liu (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics); Jingjing Gu (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics); Zujia Yan (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics); Fuzhen Zhuang (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Yunyun Wang (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 386] <Download paper>
10:45 Spotlight Poster Mon41 Improving Relation Classification by Entity Pair Graph
- Yi Zhao (Beijing Jiaotong University); Huaiyu Wan (Beijing Jiaotong University); Jianwei Gao (Beijing Jiaotong University); Youfang Lin (Beijing Jiaotong University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 406] <Download paper>
10:48 Spotlight Poster Mon42 Multi-modal Representation Learning for Successive POI Recommendation
- Lishan Li (Tsinghua University); Ying Liu (Tsinghua University); Jianping Wu (Tsinghua University); Lin He (Tsinghua University); Gang Ren (Tsinghua University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 224] <Download paper>