Invited Speakers

See the program for the schedule.

Day 2 (Nov.18, Monday)

  • Place: Nagoya Nohgakudo

Speaker: Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Title: "Graph Neural Networks for Representation Learning and Symbolic Reasoning"

Speaker: James T. Kwok (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Title: "Compressing deep networks"

Le Song
James T. Kwok

Day 3 (Nov.19, Tuesday)

  • Place: 2nd floor, "WINC Hall"

Speaker: Prateek Jain (Microsoft Research Lab Vigyan)
Title: "Resource Efficient ML in 2KB of RAM"

Speaker: Tatsuya Harada (University of Tokyo)
Title: "Visual Recognition from Limited Supervised Data"

Prateek Jain
Tatsuya Harada