Session 6: Supervised Learning
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Day 3 (Nov.19), poster session: 11:30-14:00, talks: 14:10-15:25 (5th floor Hall 2)
- Each oral presentation consists of a 12-minute talk and a 2-minute discussion.
- Each spotlight presentation consists of a 2.5-minute talk.
- Each best paper presentation consists of a 15-minute talk and a 5-minute discussion.
- Each presentation (all of the above) are to be presented in the poster session on the same day. The size of a poster should be at largest A0 vertical (1189mm height × 841mm width) (A0 horizontal posters cannot be put up).
14:10 Oral Poster Tue29 Multi-Label Optimal Margin Distribution Machine
- Zhi-Hao Tan (Nanjing University); Peng Tan (Nanjing University); Yuan Jiang (Nanjing University); Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing university) [Journal Track, Paper ID: 175]
14:25 Oral Poster Tue30 Multi-Label Learning with Regularization Enriched Label-Specific Features
- Ze-Sen Chen (Southeast University); Min-Ling Zhang (Southeast University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 222] <Download paper>
14:40 Oral Poster Tue31 Handling Concept Drift via Model Reuse
- Peng Zhao (Nanjing University); Le-Wen Cai (Nanjing University); Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing university) [Journal Track, Paper ID: 161]
14:55 Oral Poster Tue32 Deep Learning with a Rethinking Structure for Multi-label Classification
- Yao-Yuan Yang (National Taiwan University); Yi-An Lin (National Taiwan University ); Hong-Min Chu (National Taiwan University); Hsuan-Tien Lin (National Taiwan University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 79] <Download paper>
15:10 Oral Poster Tue33 Variational Inference from Ranked Samples with Features
- Yuan Guo (Northeastern University); Jennifer Dy (Northeastern); Deniz Erdogmus (Northeastern University); Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer (MGH/Harvard Medical School); Susan Ostmo (Oregon Health & Science University); J. Peter Campbell (Oregon Health & Science University); Michael F. Chiang (Oregon Health & Science University); Stratis Ioannidis (Northeastern University) [Conference Track, Paper ID: 267] <Download paper>