Camera Ready Instructions

For the camera ready version, you must compile your paper using pdflatex and the file must use the jmlr class file from the tex archive.

Alternatively, a template plus the class file can be downloaded as

You can only submit you file and necessary inclusions as a .zip file. Please make sure that your .zip file contains all sources that are needed to compile your paper using pdflatex:

  • Your main text file named NamePID.tex, where “Name” is the last name of the first author, and PID is the paper submission ID,
    • e.g. suppose Tom Chan is the first author of a paper whose ID is 50, then the name of the main tex file should be chan50.tex,
  • the .bib file, if any,
  • any other files required to compile your paper using pdflatex (i.g., figures, other tex files, etc.),
  • scanned copy of completed permission to publish form.
  • Finally, please include the actually compiled pdf file, named as NamePID.pdf.

Please submit through the ACML 2017 submission site.