Travel Information

From Auckland to Hamilton

Auckland airport is only 130km away from Hamilton and it is easy to get to Hamilton on the motorway.

Within Hamilton

Transport within Hamilton is mainly via bus or taxi:

  • Bus

    The bus service in Hamilton is operated by BusIt, with the main hub for the buses being the Transport Centre (all routes). The following bus lines will stop at or close by the university:

    Please note, the timetables only list the times for the start and end point of the line and not the individual stops in between.

  • Taxi

    There are a number of taxi companies in Hamilton, all listed on the yellow pages.

Hamilton Map

You can download a map in PDF format or use an online one like Google Maps:

Campus Map

You can find a map of the university campus here.

This map also allows you to search for buildings, e.g., S-Block and Te Whare Tapere Iti, where most of the conference will take place.