ACML 2020 🇹🇭
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Fast and Accurate Pseudoinverse with Sparse Matrix Reordering and Incremental Approach

By Jinhong Jung and Lee Sael


How can we compute pseudoinverse of a sparse feature matrix efficiently and accurately for solving optimization problems? A pseudoinverse is a generalization of a matrix inverse, which has been extensively utilized as a fundamental building block for solving linear systems in machine learning. However, an approximate computation, let alone an exact computation, of pseudoinverse is very time-consuming due to its demanding time complexity, which limits it from being applied to large data. In this paper, we propose FastPI, a novel incremental singular value decomposition (SVD) based pseudoinverse method for sparse matrices. Based on the observation that many real-world feature matrices are sparse and highly skewed, FastPI reorders and divides the feature matrix and incrementally computes low-rank SVD from the divided components. To show the efficacy of proposed FastPI, we apply them in real-world multi-label linear regression problems. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that FastPI, without loss of accuracy, computes the pseudoinverse up to 496% faster than other approximate methods and uses much less memory compared to full-rank SVD based approach. Results imply that our method efficiently computes the low-rank pseudoinverse of a large and sparse matrix that other existing methods cannot handle with limited time and space.